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被伐树木形成的整体分离痕迹有其独特性,反映出特有的规律。本文介绍了在盗伐林木案件中,运用整体分离痕迹检验原理、方法,检验被伐树木分离面、分离缘的形态,检验其凸凹断茬特征、虫眼特征、裂纹特征、空心特征等特殊特征以及节子特征、年轮特征、木射线特征、树皮纹理特征等固有特征。特别是在两对应的锯断面之间木质完全缺失情况下,综合运用上述特征有针对性地检验,解决了部分被伐树木整体分离痕迹检验中分离痕迹能否作为同一认定证据、分离体是否原为同一整体的问题。文中所述对被伐树木上的特殊特征和固有特征的研究和运用,拓宽了被伐树木整体分离痕迹检验中特征标记的范围,为丰富被伐树木整体分离痕迹的检验方法提供了参考。  相似文献   
法医工作者的职业暴露风险极大,案件现场及尸体上的有毒有害物质、高致病性微生物以及利器、骨折等因素均可能给法医带来身心伤害甚至生命危险。随着经济社会发展,法医的工作环境已经较过去显著改善,但是针对个人防护的重视程度仍需提高。近年来公共卫生事件频发,给法医职业防护带来新的挑战,迫切需要借鉴生物安全领域的先进技术和防护理念,以满足新形势下法医工作的需要。本指南立足当前法医职业防护的实际需求,从暴露风险、防护分级、应急处置等角度阐述,希望能为制定法医职业防护相关标准提供参考,以指导法医工作者开展个人防护工作,为提升法医职业化水平和身心健康提供帮助。  相似文献   
Trigger pull is the force that needs to be exerted on the trigger to discharge a firearm. The measurement of trigger pull can assist in the evaluation of the safety, function, and manufacturing characteristics associated with a firearm during the forensic firearm examination process. Nonetheless, the accuracy and uncertainty of trigger pull measurements may be affected by the measuring device, test procedure, and environmental conditions. In this work, an innovative finger-trigger interface device was developed to facilitate accurate trigger pull measurements. The idea was to reduce the variation related to the position of the measurement device on the trigger in existing measuring methods and devices. Three force sensors based on different technologies were initially evaluated. While two of the three sensors failed to produce data, the miniature capacitive plate sensor exhibited high precision and a linear response over the range of typical trigger pulls. To examine the effects of the finger-trigger interface on trigger pull measurement, different sensor housing prototypes were designed in silico and 3D printed for the construction of three finger-trigger interface devices. The performance of each finger-trigger interface device was evaluated by measuring the trigger pulls of several selected firearms and comparing the data to a previously published study. Our preliminary results demonstrated the novel finger-trigger interface device offered a new way to measure trigger pull in situ with acceptable accuracy and precision.  相似文献   
Determining the application sequence of hand-written pen ink and printer toner lines has attracted significant interest in questioned document examination. This study uses coaxial light to determine line-crossing sequences, with intersections observed under a VSC600 forensic document workstation and a Leica M205A Stereo-microscope. Results show that reflected light at intersections and color contrast between intersections and nonintersections was observed when a hand-written ink line passes over a toner line, while a toner line passing over a written line appeared dull, with no color contrast. The procedure was tested under a range of conditions, such as types of writing pens and laser printers, the writer, and writing pressure, with the latter playing an important role in the evaluation. To validate the results, a 90% detection rate and 98% accuracy rate were achieved from 50 samples of blind testing, which is more effective than optical microscopy.  相似文献   
在实际工作中,大量的高仿指纹涌现,给指纹鉴定工作带来巨大挑战。为解决案件中高仿指纹的鉴定需求,作者利用真实指纹和文件上的指印,以硅胶和感光树脂板为原材料制作高仿指模,通过其制作原理、形成的机制、变化因素、规律及表现形式,总结和分析高仿指模与真实指纹的特征差异,为高仿指纹鉴定和检验提供科学依据。  相似文献   
现代科学技术的迅猛发展对司法审判产生了巨大的影响,各种科学问题、技术证据、鉴定意见呈现于法庭,法官在审判案件中由于知识和经验的局限性而难以判断,在此背景下专家辅助人制度应运而生。英美法系有专家证人制度,存在完善的以交叉询问为主的专家证人出庭质证规则,大陆法系国家和地区有诉讼辅助人制度,虽然立法中没有明确的出庭质证规则,但是有完善的鉴定人出庭质证规则。我国当前专家辅助人出庭质证规则没有明确的规定,但准用证人出庭质证规则。不过目前缺乏进一步的理论阐述,且简单直接适用也存在问题,同时缺乏系统的、具体的、具有可操作性的质证规则。对此笔者提出构建专家辅助人出庭质证规则的建议。  相似文献   
注重考试环节提高教学质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考试是教学的重要环节,不同的学科、不同的课程有不同的特点。命题应严格遵循全面考核,突出重点,理论联系实际,注重考查学生的实务操作能力这一原则。在试题内容上,应难易适度;在阅卷方式上,应根据题型的不同采用不同的判分标准;在应试技巧上,应教导学生要懂、吃透基础知识,学会总结典型题型。同时应加强学生考前模拟训练。  相似文献   
中国 “大一统”国家形态的形成源于治理水患与抵御外敌所需要的国家管理能力,而其维持则需要适应性的政治经济制度设计以维持中央政权的全面掌控能力。在农业社会,国家的控制能力取决于有效的组织体系与稳定的土地税收。为此,中国历代政权经过长期调整形成了以科举制为选拔机制的核心政治密码及建立有效土地制度和税收制度的经济密码。科举制能够更多地促进社会阶层的有序流动,延缓了侵占国家权力与土地税收的大地主的崛起,而土地制度虽然为适应人口及生产状况最终走向了私有制为主的道路,但在科举制确立以后的土地兼并再未形成影响国家行政能力的门阀地主阶层,从而有效地维持了国家的统一。因此,有序社会流动与土地税收制度设计正是保持历史上中国大一统的核心政治、经济密码。  相似文献   
胡波 《证据科学》2016,(6):656-668
由《欧洲人权公约》第6条第3款d项之规定所形成的对质询问规则,在欧洲人权法院审理“卡瓦贾诉英国”一案之后发生了根本性的变化,即从“唯一或决定性规则”转变为了以“三步审查规则”为内容的“卡瓦贾检验标准”。导致这一变化的原因,不仅源于英国法的影响,也有欧洲人权法院对公正标准的调校以及应对案件激增的考虑。而以该案为主线的考察对我国无疑也有着积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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